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Have you ever stumbled over something in the darkness? I have! When I was a young boy I ran as quickly as I could one evening towards my grandmother's house. Suddenly, my body catapolted through the air and I went tumbling to the ground. I had run straight into a metal ground wire connected to the telephone pole. I knew it was there but couldn't see it in the dark. If only I had brought a flashlight with me.

Many people are stumbling in the darkness of this world. If only they had the light (truth) of God's Word, they would not fall into the snares of the enemy. God's Word is like fresh bread, it was given to us not to be admired but consumned and obeyed. As you read the Word of God and follow the path of righteousness it reveals, you will not stumble over the temptations of sin and the snares of the devil. His Word is "a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path."

A lamp also gives us just enough visibility for the next step and guidance into the direction the Lord is leading. Truly, the Word of God is the believer's greatest navigation in a world governed by self-centeredness and uncertainty.

Ask the Lord to open your eyes, your ears, and your heart as you read His Word. Submit to follow the path that He is leading you. Dare to believe His promises and determine to set your hope in Him.


Prayer: Father, Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. I trust that you know best and I submit to do your will and follow the path you are revealing to me. In Jesus' name, AMEN!